Why Does Lead Nurturing Matter

 Businesses know that moving directly from lead generation to purchasing is difficult. Organizations need to gradually ease themselves into their consumer’s life.

You cannot immediately pitch your product or service the first time you meet.

Rather, you have to slowly get to know them and understand what their needs and requirements are.

Earlybird, for example, does this by getting customers to join their waitlist. As an incentive, they offer them a $15 investment credit to get started.

The simple truth is that not all leads convert and in many organizations, 80% of leads fall by the wayside. However, for those companies willing to invest the time and effort in these early stages, the returns can be quite large.

In fact, not only are these organizations able to generate more sales, the sales themselves are larger in scope.

Simply put, the time spent nurturing leads is well worth the investment.

Creating a Lead Nurturing Campaign

Using email as a way of nurturing leads is one of the best ways to create a repeatable, automated engine that can help drive buyers.

By creating triggers at specific touchpoints on the user journey, it’s possible to send out targeted and personalized emails, automating your business and improving your ROI.

These personalized emails can use the data and information you’ve compiled, helping to save significant time and effort as clients transition through the sales funnels here are some sales funnel tools. Know more


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