Professional Athletes Who Use CBD

In addition to using CBD as a means of treating or even preventing certain medical ailments, this cannabinoid is also being looked at as a means to improve athletic performance by some of the top athletes in the world.

CBD, or cannabidiol, oil already has mounting evidence to back up its potential to alleviate symptoms associated with some of the most severe medical conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. It’s also been widely used to reduce anxiety and for pain relief in many users.

But those who are physically active and wish to maintain a healthy lifestyle are also using CBD oil products as part of their daily regimen, and some professional athletes are including CBD as part of their overall training regimes.

With increased acceptance of CBD for athletes comes a subsequent increase in research on the cannabinoid. And with each passing study comes a stronger case made for the use of CBD products to improve health and wellness, and athletes are just one group of people who are increasingly embracing its beneficial effects. Read more


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