Learn to Deal With Negative Responses

No one likes unsolicited messages. So, no matter how well you personalize your messages you will end up with some backlash. That’s just a cold email eventuality.

But, a negative response to positive actions on your part is no excuse to lose your cool. 

While a happy customer may stay contently silent, an unhappy one will plaster his/her views all over the internet. You don’t want to add fire to that. 

So, when you do end up with that $%#@# of an email in your inbox, here’s what you need to do:

Apologize: There’s no other way to put it. You sent an unwelcome email to someone after all. 

Take them off the list: The last thing you want to do is send another email. Unfortunately, too many times a name is not removed from a list and hell ensues.

Learn from the experience: Was there something specific in your message that annoyed the recipient? If so, then consider taking it out. Know more


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