Fact or Fiction: Is Cannabidiol (CBD) Safe to Take

 Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a relatively new health supplement that has become more popular in recent years. It is extracted from cannabis plants and has been shown to have a variety of health benefits for issues like pain, inflammation, and more. It comes in a variety of forms, such as CBD capsules, oil droppers, and gummies. However, because it is so new, many people don’t know anything about it, which can make some wary if it’s safe or not. If you are worried about the safety of CBD, here’s what you need to know to sort the truth from the myths.

Fiction: CBD Makes You High

CBD has suffered from some negative stigma because of its association with the THC that is present in marijuana. Both CBD and THC are from the same family of chemical compounds found in cannabis, known as cannabinoids. THC is the compound that is psychoactive which is what makes you feel high when you consume marijuana. Most people think that because CBD also comes from cannabis, it’s synonymous with THC.

However, CBD by itself has no psychoactive elements and will not make you high when it is separated from THC. Most CBD products that you buy will be free of any THC, as a legal requirement to sell it without any restrictions. Read more


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