Mention one reason why a lot of people are asked to take personalised vitamins

It is a true fact that everybody is not created equally. We are all unique just as our fingerprints are unique. It is also true that, every human being needs the same thing to survive even though, we are all unique. But the things we need for survival might differ in quantity or size. And the difference in quantity or size is what makes us different from each other. Some people might require little things, while others may require more things. some of the things that we need for survival are shelter, our daily nutrients, clothes, money and lot more. For instance, a lot of people may be asked to take personalised vitaminsin order to add some nutrients to their body. After taking series of blood tests, doctors may prescribe personalised vitamins for their patients in order to boost their health.

There are lot of research still going on to know if personalised vitaminsreally worth it. Some research claims that people do not need to take it, because they are neither harmful or beneficial. But, that is not true, because doctors are prescribing it for their patients, and it has been yielding good results. But it is not advisable to start taking it on your own, you have to seek for detailed advice from a medical expert or from your doctor. This is why it is very important to read articles that talks about personalised vitamins/personalised supplements in order to know more about it. After taking blood tests, doctors may prescribe some vitamins like B12, and D for patients. And when you ask people taking these personalised supplements according to doctor’s prescription, you will notice that they actually feel healthier. And whenever they fail to the daily vitamin dose, they will notice some certain changes in their body.

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