Call it fashion, dressing, or clothing fascination of every individual will be constant towards it, we can surely bet on it. I mean, who doesn’t want to look attractive and good?

Ever heard anyone saying, I want to look ugly? Most of you never have

Moreover, Ever heard anyone saying I want to look presentable at the stake of comfort? All of you never have

What if fashion allies with comfort? Such a fiery combination right?

There’s something so elegant and comfortable about the thought of gliding into silk just to hop onto bed. Yes, here we’re talking about silk pants, extremely stylish but supremely congenial. A beautiful, gorgeous, congenial self during the process of sleep leads to a heavenly dream. Get over your ratty, rugged, dull pants because it’s time to pair your tees with silk pants. “Glamorous is not congenial” is the most overrated and false pick-up line used, the one who invented or literate this line must have never encountered silk pants. 

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