The role of the Japanese culture in teaching younger folks

The importance of writing those stories down and make them into novels for the next generation to read is to ensure that the heritage is preserved. However, the reading of the book is not limited to those who are from the language or culture but everyone who's interested in stories of action, love, comedy, fun, morality, and romance. The manga online, therefore, is a general term used for a wide range of graphic novels and comic books essentially produced and published in Japan. It has been existing for a long time and the fact that the internet came along the way made this series of books popular and usually read among people.

There are categories of manga and it has been made in such a way that it is not limited to any age group. That is, there are various age groups that can get the ones made for them and lay their hands on it for the purpose of reading it. The first category is the one made for teenage boys which are usually called shonen. It is a series of stories and graphics that centers around action and comedy. The action can involve a mild fight and some display of power between people while comedy is all for fun. Young folks who read such are excited by the graphics that are used in the whole arrangement. The number of those who read manga therefore keeps increasing daily.

Furthermore, the second category of manga that's widely read online by people is the shojo which is particularly made for teenage girls. The stories and graphics in this category of novels are centered around drama and emotions in a romantic relationship. Stories of girls and their experience with relationships are made bare in those novels. The interesting thing about these novels is the fact that is usually printed in black and white except for special releases that are printed in colors. It is also read from right to left as against the normal reading of the English Language from left to right. It seems awkward but the reader gets accustomed to it over time. Those who read manga online are familiar with titles such as Zero game, I hear I'm poor, Dungeon Reset, etc.

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