Protecting yourself against hackers

When we talk about hackers, we talk about them in the light of stealing and breaking into networks, accounts for stealing important information. You hardly hear people talk about hire hacker, however, "hacker" is a general name used to refer to a person or group of persons who have the skill and ability to enter into computer networks and systems with or with permission. Hackers do this for different reasons: some do it definitely for the purpose for stealing information for to steal money or identities while some do it with the purpose of building a defense against other hackers who might want to exploit a computer network and there are some who hack for both purposes.
Large organizations or companies, companies who use a network of computers, store data of a large number of people, uses computer network for the financial transaction, need to hire a hacker who will help to look into ways by which the companies network can be compromised and help build a defense. Think of it this way, that you own a house filled with treasures. To, therefore, prevent the stealing of your treasures; you install security measures such as getting a burglar alarm, security camera etc. After proper installation of these measures, you then decide to hire a professional who will try to gain unauthorized entry into your house to see if any of the systems you put in place will detect and help to prevent it. This professional is like a hire hacker.
As mentioned earlier, hackers are not necessarily bad guys wanting to steal from you. Some people actually learned the skill in other to help prevent others from becoming a victim of some bad guy hacker usually called the "black hat" hackers. Just like we have assassins and police go through also the same training in shooting, the difference, however, is who they shoot and the purpose for which they shoot. The assassin shoot to kill anyone not minding who or their innocence, he shoots to kill for the monetary gain but a policeman shoot to protect the society and when they shoot to kill, it is done for a just course. The same is when you hire a hacker. They hack to protect and build a defense.

Click here know more about ethical hackers for hire


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